Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mt. Wanda hike

It was a beautiful day for a hike. Mt. Wanda is super close to us and it's a pretty quick jaunt up the mountain. So we decided to grab Subway and head out. Brighty did NOT want to stay in her stroller so I ended up carrying her most of the way, ugh! Brandon was a great sport and pushed that big stroller much of the time. I just love that boy!

 He is also quite the photographer! He just snapped away and took a ton of pictures while we were out.

I love this one that Bran captured of Brighty's teeth! Those two top teeth just kill me! (She's got bread in her mouth, it just looks like she has molars!)

I love this one too. She adores her "Buh buh" and wont take her eyes off him.

Having his flat bread special. ;)

I love being able to hang out with my sweetie Brandon all day. Summer is so special.

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