Friday, September 16, 2011

Brighton Is Born!

On September 9th at 8:45pm, Brighton Taylor Proctor entered the world. We are so blessed that she is here...perfect and healthy. This is how the story goes...

Living away from family, I was very nervous about the thought of going into labor with no one to watch Brandon. Of course many wonderful friends offered to have him, and I knew they really meant it. I just felt like Brandon would really need to be with family at that time. Preferably his cousins! 
Labor is so unpredictable and I was so nervous about when it would happen and if my mom or sisters would be able to make it up here in time. After sharing my worries with my girlfriend Kelly, she said, "Why don't you see if you can be induced?" I had never thought of that before. I did not realize that an expectant mom could "choose" to go into labor. I thought they only induced you if something was wrong or if you were way over due. Kelly assured me that if all was well with the baby, and if my body was showing signs that it was ready, my doctor would very likely say yes. At my next appointment I asked my doctor. I explained that we were up here with no family around and I really wanted my mom and sisters to be at the birth. I also explained to her my concerns about my son and having no one to watch him if my labor happened in the middle of the night. To my surprise, she said 
"Sure, that should be fine. Is the 9th of September okay?" 
I was so excited that I didn't have to be pregnant for 40 weeks!
 I would get to have her out by 39 instead! 

On the morning of the ninth I was really anxious but super excited as well. My mom and sisters had arrived safely and we were ready! We headed out to John Muir hospital in Walnut Creek Ca. at 7am. 
Here we are checking in. :)
 Mom came with John and I...sisters were going to come a bit later seeing how with an induction you never know how long it's going to take. 

 The gorgeous hospital gown! 

So hands down the yuckiest part of my labor was the IV!!! That sounds crazy I know but truly it was the worst. Third time was finally the charm (my nurse tried two times before getting someone else...thats the rule), but all three of those big "sticks" hurt pretty bad. After I got all hooked up to the pitocin and my doctor broke my water, things picked up and I got an epidural around noon. It was smooth sailing (but SLOw...about a cm an hour) until the end when I went from 7 to 10 cm in less than 40 mins. I had the epidural turned down a while before that, and then all of the sudden was in pain! Luckily I was able to get a quick "top off" and Brighton was out with 45 mins of pushing. :) My sisters barely made it to the hospital in time to see her be was amazing to have the most important women in my life all there to see our daughter make her entrance. 

Here are the kiddos waiting so patiently! I don't know where they got those masks! Ha!

At 8:45pm she was born...our little sweetheart.
Brighton weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and was 20.5 inches long

My hubby John was amazing. He was so supportive and encouraging. I love him so much more now...funny how these kinds of life changing experiences do that to you.

I LOVE this picture of John and his baby. He looks (and IS) so happy and proud! :) His smile is priceless.

I could not WAIT to get Brandon in there to see his sister! I was so excited. He was super sweet and a little reserved when he saw her. My sisters said he was dancing in the halls at the hospital afterward!
 SO happy to finally be a big bro!

My sisters. Love love love these girls! I am so grateful they traveled from far away to be there for us!

 My mom is the most wonderful woman ever! She was there through the entire process.
 Brighton loves her Nana too!

Even though there is a strict "no children under the age of 12" rule (except siblings) allowed in the rooms with new babies, our little under age cousins got to see Brighton as we were taken down the hallway and moved into the recovery room. It was such a treat for London and Lily, who were very sad that they couldn't see her earlier. 

I absolutely love this picture of Lily looking at her brand new cousin! So sweet!

Big brother, little sister. I can't believe they are mine.

Even though the staff at the hospital were amazing, we could not wait to go home! So when the mandatory 24 hours stay was up, were were OUT! Much to our surprise, the car was covered inside and out with decorations welcoming our baby! It was SO fun! All the kids wrote a cute message on the window and pink balloons covered the inside of the car. My sisters, nieces and nephew are the BEST! 

Here she is all ready to leave in her "go home" outfit. 

We were then welcomed at home with big banners on the garage! It was such a wonderful experience and I was so glad that my family could share it with us!  We love you baby girl Brighty!
So glad you are in our family!


  1. I LOVE birth stories. Thank you so much for writing that out. It sounds like you had a great experience. I can't wait to see her!

  2. Wow what a doll! And so much hair too! Congratulations you guys.
