Friday, December 9, 2011

3 Months!

Our baby is three months old today. She is amazing and wonderful and challenging all in one little tiny package. (A not quite 12 pound package.) She is an incredible sleeper! Last night, in fact, she slept TWELVE hours!! Seriously, she sleeps so well that it sometimes scares me! I woke her up twice to feed her. She still loves her hands and loves to make lots of cute noises. She has taken on the nicknames of "stinker binker" and "brighty boo." Pink blankey and purple blankey are her favorites...she is "eating" one of them in a picture below.

Happy Three Months stinker binker!

1 comment:

  1. She looks a lot like her daddy in these pictures. Happy belated 3 monthsary Brighton, you precious-cutie!! I love your outfits! ;)
