Tuesday, January 10, 2012

4 months!

Brighton is now 4 months old! She is getting bigger (12 lb 14 oz - 24 inches long) but our binker is still a tiny one. She LOVES to look at herself in the mirror. Everyday after we get her dressed, I stand her up in front of the mirror and ask "Do you like your pretty outfit?" She goes crazy with coos, and ahhhhs and every other sweet baby noise there is. :) Brandon is truly her favorite person. She could stare at him forever. He can make her smile and laugh without even trying. Brighton loves when there is a lot going on...picking up brother from school, taking a walk in the front pack or watching a Baby Einstein video. She likes toys now and always wants to be holding and chewing something. We call her our Tin Solider because she never wants to sit! She is always super stiff and wants to be in the standing position. It's hilarious trying to "bend" her so we can put her in the car seat! 
At her 4 month immunization appointment we were informed that she has mild Eczema on her legs. 
Man is little sweetie keeps us on our toes! 
Happy Four Months baby!

1 comment:

  1. My family deals with lots of food allergies. Unfortunately allergies and eczema go hand in hand. Bummer! She is so cute!
